How to Measure Human Trust Online and in Cyberspace

Human  Trust  Experience Metrics

in a nutshell

Online, In Trust Frameworks, In Cyberspace and in the Identity Ecosystem



1. Assisting the human user in understanding the user’s evolving vulnerabilities in cyberspace and how an evolving NSTIC compliant certification “Trustmark” facilitates the user in understanding and making informed choices when establishing relationships, within an IDEF Identity Ecosystem. Such choices should be informed as to security, privacy, usability, and interoperability capabilities and protections provided by the NSTIC compliant “Trustmark” presented by a given class or set service providers, community of interest or other IDEF certified entity.

2. Content

Measurement should begin by creating a metrics of

  • human understanding of his or her evolving vulnerabilities in cyberspace
  • the ability and satisfaction the human user has in making informed choices online.

Once a  human-user understanding-baseline has been agreed upon and established then further metrics can be developed and folded in to the measurement criteria regarding the human user’s experience with other aspects of interacting and transacting with the NSTIC compliant IDEF Identity Ecosystem.