Best Practices for Human Attributes

How to Move towards Trustworthy ground with Human Attributes

Human Attributes—all the aspects of a life—in online transaction environments—should progress towards the creation of Standards for the attributes-lifecycle. Such Standards should include how to respect, care and creatively treat those attributes. I think this is the right direction.
I think there should be a base Standard of assurance that will allow for the greatest range of transactions by the greatest number of participants. More on this later. Such a base standard of assurance should be agreeable by all stakeholders including individuals. This will require individuals to better understand monetization of human attributes and the crucial complex of the meaning of human attributes.
To move towards and achieve Standards for the attribute lifecycle a central challenge and dilemma must be undertaken to transparently articulate the relationship between Personally Identifiable Information (PII), attributes over a lifecycle and attributes that create PII through aggregation, provenance or other time related processes. We must acknowledge that PII and attributes are, more or less, on a continuum. The truth needs to be told that privacy requirements are not meaningful without taking on this challenge. I have some suggestions for standards in this area that I would like to forward at the proper time.
Here lie many perils and much promise.